Studio Fontana

Paris Olympic Games 2024 (2024)


As part of a special invitation from Pride House, Multiform was facilitated every day in front of Paris City Hall during the Olympic Games. This unique opportunity allowed the public to engage with and experience a new kind of sport firsthand. Multiform isn’t just another sport—it’s an entirely new approach to physical activity that breaks away from conventional norms. These daily sessions offered participants a chance to discover a sport that values collaboration and empathy over competition, encouraging everyone to see sports in a different light.


The introduction of Multiform during the Olympic Games challenges us to reconsider the sports we play and the values they embody. Since the first modern Olympics in 1896, team sports have largely remained unchanged, often reflecting outdated values. Multiform questions why we continue to play the same games in a world that has evolved, urging us to consider if these sports truly align with today’s principles of diversity and inclusivity.


Presenting Multiform on the Olympic stage aims to show that sports can evolve to meet the needs of today's world. This initiative is about more than just introducing a new sport—it’s about inspiring a movement towards reimagining sports as spaces that foster empathy, connection and new means of self-understanding.

→ See project Multiform.