Studio Fontana

Queering Sport – Essay (2020)


Part of the publication 'Coded Bodies', this essay presents strategies for questioning and reimagining sport from a queer and feminist perspective. The book is composed of projects, initiatives, trials and errors, commentary and questions—all reflecting different perspectives, and entry points into the subject of ‘Coded Bodies’.


The collective Hackers and Designers (H&D) are reflecting on conversations, discussions and bodily experiences that took place over the course of one year—spanning topics such as transhumanism, queer sport, the disappearance of interfaces, digitized bodies, biometric data, the agency of user, representation, and citizenship.


The contributions consist of playful reenactments, poetic commentary, annotated prototypes, how-to guides, speculations, prompts, scripts and scores, proposals and disposals. Spanning a wide range of approaches and backgrounds, all contributors connect in this publication, through their critical, yet playful attempts of coming to terms with the bodies’ entanglement with technology.