Second Skin is a social fashion project that breaks the stereotypes and explores the relational aspect of clothing, by positioning fashion as a tool for empowerment.
Tilburg Noord (NL) is portrayed as a bad neighbourhood by the media and local politicians. This leads to weakening bonds with and amongst the community, the project investigates how fashion can act as a tool for collective empowerment and community bonding.
Through a participatory photoshoot and exhibition that highlights the striking and diverse fashion scene of Tilburg Noord. The project does not pretend to make the image of the area better, but reveals the unseen beauty of what is already there. For this, the exhibition presents the youth outside of their neighbourhood context, allowing them to be perceived as individuals instead of being part of a group. The photos emphasise individual styles and identities, presenting them as future role models.
The project was made possible thanks to the help of a local team. It was developed with Taskforce Fashion, residency for responsible fashion, under the lead of Iris Ruisch and designers Katja Ravina, Jessica van Halteren, Laura Luchtman and Marionella Hanley.
↳ youtube.com/watch